Covid Update: British Columbia Society AGMs
It’s AGM time. Now what?
Societies are bound by the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Provincial Health Officer, B.C. Health Minister, and Canada Health guidelines in regards to COVID-19.
Societies should continue to comply with the Societies Act as well as their bylaws. The Societies Act, allows members of a society to attend AGMs remotely (i.e. by telephone, video-conferencing or other communications channel), unless the society has specifically passed a resolution to restrict or prohibit it.
Section 71 of the Societies Act also provides flexibility as to when AGMs are held.
A society has until December 31 to hold an Annual General Meeting. If an Annual General Meeting is not held prior to December 31 then the society may file the Annual Report as No Meeting Held on January 1st.
A society may also file online for an extension to AGM date between November 1 to December 31 of the calendar year in which the AGM is supposed to be held. The society can then hold a meeting up to March 31 of the following year.
Source: COVID-19 – Society AGMs – Province of British Columbia